About LawRight
LawRight, formerly known as QPILCH, has operated since 2001 as an independent, not for profit community legal centre.
LawRight improves the lives of vulnerable people by increasing access to justice through strategic partnerships with pro bono lawyers. 20,000 pro bono hours are donated annually by over 800 lawyers from 65 law firms, 170 barristers and 140 law students. By connecting to clients at community, health, and civic organisations, LawRight increases their access to housing, income and legal rights and improves their health and well-being.
Our Patron is the Chief Justice of Queensland, the Honourable Helen Bowskill.
About the Queensland Legal Walk
Since 2008, the Walk has brought together legal professionals and community members from across Queensland to support LawRight's access to justice services.
Held on National Pro Bono day (the Tuesday of National Law Week), the Walk is both a fundraiser and an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the valuable pro bono work undertaken by the Australian legal profession.